Priorities Action Statement - Actions for Hippocampus whitei
** seahorse (Hippocampus **). Photo by **
** seahorse (Hippocampus **). Photo by **
Status: Endangered
Distribution: Eastern Australia (Hervey Bay, Qld to Wollongong, NSW)
Recovery Actions
Collate and synthesise data collected to quantify the significance of high and moderate risk threat interactions with Hippocampus whitei (Medium priority).
Use existing information to contribute to Commonwealth Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act threatened species nomination (Medium priority).
Encourage the reporting of sightings of seahorses along the east coast of Australia to iSeahorse and iNaturalist (Medium priority).
Address identification issues by developing and distributing practical identification materials for public by making them readily available on the Project Seahorse and Australian Government websites (High priority).
Produce advisory material to assist in raising awareness of the identification of Hippocampus whitei and the protected status of the species and distribute this information to relevant stakeholders (Medium priority).
Work with commercial aquaria to increase public awareness of the status and threats to Hippocampus whitei (Low priority).
Monitor trade of syngnathids in NSW and check for presence of Hippocampus whitei (Low priority).
Reduce the impact of public and private boat moorings that impact on Hippocampus whitei habitats (High priority).
Consider information on Hippocampus whitei distribution, abundance and habitat preferences during development and review of Marine Park Zoning Plans (Medium priority).
Negotiate with relevant authorities to encourage the identification, assessment and modification of natural resource management plans and policies to minimise impacts on Hippocampus whitei habitats and water quality (Medium priority).
Implement the NSW Diffuse Source Water Pollution Strategy to coordinate efforts to reduce diffuse source water pollution impacting on Hippocampus whitei habitat (Low priority).
Continue to monitor the distribution and abundance of Hippocampus whitei at important sites (Port Stephens and Sydney Harbour) to inform population status and to assist in determining the effectiveness of recovery actions (High priority).
Develop and trial artificial habitats to promote recovery of Hippocampus whitei populations (high priority).
Implement research using eDNA to investigate the occurrence of Hippocampus whitei in estuaries and embayments across its range (High priority).
Implement genetics research to investigate population structure of Hippocampus whitei across its entire range (NSW and QLD) (Medium priority).
Develop a research project to assess potential impacts of climate change on Hippocampus whitei (Medium priority).
Support community groups involved in monitoring and recording the presence of Hippocampus whitei (Medium priority).
Where appropriate, actively encourage community involvement in aspects of Hippocampus whitei recovery including for example, research and monitoring programs (Low priority).
Conduct and/or facilitate targeted surveys to determine the current distribution and abundance of Hippocampus whitei in eastern Australia (Medium priority)